Cum sa scapi de lag si sughitarea sunetului in timpul jocului la assasin's creed revelations. Intrati in directorul jocului si dati click dreapta pe acrsp.exe si selectati optiunea "Troubleshoot Compatibility" apoi dati click pe "Try Recommended Settings" iar apoi pe "Start Program", daca aceasta nu fuctioneaza stergeti din folderul principal al jocului fisierul cu numele systemdetection.dll si totul ar trebui sa mearga bine.
English: How to fix in game lag and sound lag and stuttering after fixing the black screen startup error in assasin's creed revelations. Open the game directory and right click on acrsp.exe and choose "Troubleshoot Compatibility" and after it click on "Try Recommended Settings" and after it click on "Start Program", if this doesn't work just delete the file named systemdetection.dll from the main game directory.
See here how to fix black screen and acrsp.exe not responding error at assasin's creed revelations!
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