vineri, 17 iulie 2015

Laptop, netbook, notebook, overheating and high cpu usage almost 100% while on windows or gaming, slow performances fix (tutorial).

How to fix laptop, netbook, notebook overheating and high cpu usage, on windows or while gaming.

Method 1:

Go to:

Control Panel -> Power Options -> Click on: Change Plan Settings (at the option which is active selected) -> Then on the window which has opened click on: Change advanced power settings -> Search on the opened list: "Processor power management" -> Click on it to expand the list of options.

-> Choose for: Minimum processor state: 3%
-> Choose for: Sistem cooling policy: Active <- (the most important)
-> Choose for: Maximum processor state: 90%.

This tutorial has been presented on Windows 7, but it is possible to work on all the operating sistems.

sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2015

How to fix the error " "Application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application." from the latest games in 2015.

How to fix the application error 0xc000007b from the latest games in 2015: the error occures when trying to open a game like: Assasin's Creed Unity, Assasin's Creed Rogue, Watchdog, Fifa 15, Pro Evolution Soccer 15, Call Of Duty Ghosts, Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare.
For fixing all this just install the following:

AIO Pack of Softwares
DirectX 9.0c
Microsoft Net Framework Versions 4.5.1 and 4.5.3 (offline)

If you ever tried to modify, change or replace some of the windows/system32 or sys64's d3d dll files, here are the original ones taken from my system: these are workable only for Windows 7 on 64 bits

Thank you, and good luck!

sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2014

How to make your broadband internet connection to run automatically from the windows startup!

How to make you broadband internet connection to establish from the windows startup:

1. Go to Control Panel, and right click on you Broadband Connection and assure that is set as default connection, after that click on proprieties, then to options tab, and uncheck the option "Prompt for name and password, certificate, etc.", then set the number of redial attempts (you may put 5 for example), and after it set the time between redial attempts to 3 seconds for example, after those click on OK.

2. Right Click on your Broadband Connection and Create A Shortcut to it on your desktop, and then open from the start menu the startup folder for all the users, (Start - All Programs - Right Click on Startup Folder - Open All Users), and cut there the shortcut of your Broadband Connection.

Good Luck!

sâmbătă, 26 iulie 2014

How to fix monitor "Out of range" error for the game scarface: the world is yours, pc version!

Cum sa scapi de eroarea "Out of range" a jocului video Scarface: The World Is Yours, versiunea pentru pc:

- aceasta eroare se datoreaza frecventei active a monitorului (screen refresh rate), si se poate rezolva astfel:

1. pentru windows xp: click dreapta pe desktop - proprieties - settings - advanced - monitor - screen refresh rate - iar acolo schimbati valoarea in 60 hertz.
2. pentru windows 7 - click dreapta pe desktop - screen resolution - advanced settings - monitor - screen refresh rate - iar acolo schimbati valoarea in 60 hertz.

English: How to fix "Out of range" error for Scarface: The World Is Yours pc game version.

- that error appears because of the screen refresh rate settings on your system, to fix that you have to change those settings by that:

1. for windows xp: right click on your desktop - proprieties - settings - advanced - monitor - screen refresh rate - and then change to 60 hertz.
2 for windows 7: right click on your desktop - screen resolution - advanced settings - monitor - screen refresh rate - and then change to 60 hertz.

Good Luck!

miercuri, 12 martie 2014

How to fix game lag and sound lag stuttering in assasin's creed revelations!

Cum sa scapi de lag si sughitarea sunetului in timpul jocului la assasin's creed revelations. Intrati in directorul jocului si dati click dreapta pe acrsp.exe si selectati optiunea "Troubleshoot Compatibility" apoi dati click pe "Try Recommended Settings" iar apoi pe "Start Program", daca aceasta nu fuctioneaza stergeti din folderul principal al jocului fisierul cu numele systemdetection.dll si totul ar trebui sa mearga bine.

English: How to fix in game lag and sound lag and stuttering after fixing the black screen startup error in assasin's creed revelations. Open the game directory and right click on acrsp.exe and choose "Troubleshoot Compatibility" and after it click on "Try Recommended Settings" and after it click on "Start Program", if this doesn't work just delete the file named systemdetection.dll from the main game directory.

See here how to fix black screen and acrsp.exe not responding error at assasin's creed revelations!

vineri, 20 decembrie 2013

How to fix black screen error in assasin's creed revelations!

Cum sa scapi de black screen si acrsp.exe not responding in assasin's creed revelations. Pentru cei care intampina aceste dificultati solutia este urmatoarea: click dreapta pe iconita jocului de pe desktop, sau din directorul jocului assasin's creed revelations gasiti play_acr.exe si dati click dreapta pe una dintre ele, dati click pe proprieties si din meniul compatibility bifati casutele din dreptul comenzilor: "Run this program as an administrator", "Run this program in compatibility mode for" si alegeti dedesubtul acesteia "Windows 98/ Windows Me" (sau Windows Xp Service Pack 2 in caz de aveti probleme cu sunetul in timpul jocului), dupa care dati click pe apply apoi ok, si incercati sa rulati jocul.

Daca metoda de mai sus nu a functioneaza in cazul vostru aceasta sigur va functiona: intrat in folderul principal al jocului assasin's creed revelations, si stergeti pentru totdeauna fisierul cu numele: systemdetection.dll, dupa aceasta ar trebui totul sa functioneze la parametri normali.

English: How to fix Assasin's creed revelations black screen from launching, right click on game shortcut from the desktop or just find into the game main directory play_acr.exe and right click on it and go to compatibility menu and check: "Run this program as an administrator" and "Run this program in compatibility mode for" - "Windows 98/ Windows Me" (or Windows Xp Service Pack 2 if your game slows down and the sound starts stuttering), click on apply, and try to run the game.

If the problem wasn't solved in that way, just go to the game main directory and delete the file named: systemdetection.dll, after this everything should work well in everybody's case.

See here how to fig sound and game stuttering, lagging, crashing and slowing down at assasin's creed revelations!